1. The training programmes should be planned in such a way that the trainings should impart specific skills to the participants. Administrative sanction should be obtained from the Director of Extension, KAU for sponsored/ project based/ revolving fund based/ consultancy based/ vocational/ paid as well as free online trainings. Even if the online/offline training programmes do not involve any expenditure, prior sanction should be obtained from the Director of Extension, KAU.
2. The request for sanction order along with the training proposal should be mailed to the Professor & Head, Central Training Institute, Mannuthy. Email: cti@kau.in through the head of the respective station. The training proposal should include the proposed topics in the training programme. The format for training proposal is attached for reference. The training proposal has to be mailed to cti@kau.in two weeks before the proposed date of the training. This is not applicable to the training programmes organised by KVKs as they have been already approved and included in the action plans.
3. Sanction orders for conducting training programmes will be issued after ensuring receipt of the course fee and the remittance particulars communicated to the Central Training Institute, Mannuthy. Email: cti@kau.in
4. The Course Director may propose a mutually convenient date for conducting the training programme. However, the Course Director may make changes in the dates of conducting the training programme in concurrence with the sponsoring agency and the Central Training Institute, Mannuthy if the situation so warrants.
5. An Email Training Need Analysis (E-TNA) may be done with the sponsoring agency and deputed participants so as to determine their specific training needs and on receipt of this feedback, the schedule of the training programme may be suitably modified and the concern Resource Persons appraised so that they may be in a position to address the specific issues raised by the participants during the sessions.
6. The Course Fee is calculated as estimated expenditure plus 20% institutional overheads. In some cases, where the Course Fee per participant has already been determined, the expenditure will be limited to 80 % of the Course Fee actually received. Balance 20% of the fee collected will remain in the account of the Comptroller, KAU.
7. Purchase of equipment is allowed only if necessary for the effective conduct of the training and sponsored by the funding agency, which may be included in the training proposal.
8. Total anticipated expenditure for transportation utilising vehicles outside the Kerala Agricultural University pool may be included under POL charges.
9. A minimum of Rs.1500 per day may be levied as rent for physical facilities, power and logistics while submitting a proposal to the funding agency.
10. Based on the sanction order, an advance may be drawn and disbursed to the Course Director directly, or the funds will be placed at the disposal of the Head of the Institution concerned, who can obtain the same from the Comptroller by sending a demand.
11. Leave availed by the trainees during the training period has to be reported to the sponsoring agency. No leave other than medical leave should be granted to the trainees during the training period.
12. Based on the evaluation, a certificate duly signed by the Course Director, Dean/Head of the Institution concerned, and Director of Extension will be issued to the candidates who have successfully completed the course. Blank certificates can be obtained from the Central Training Institute by a responsible person only by submitting a request with the list of trainees for whom the certificates are to be issued. The certificate number issued to each trainee should be recorded and to be included while submitting the training report.
13. The Course Director may please ensure that the advance is settled within three months.
14. Any expenditure that exceeds the sanctioned amount will have to be forfeited.
15. All bills and vouchers for advances drawn from CTI, Mannuthy, should be in the name of the Professor & Head, CTI, Mannuthy, or in the name of the Course Director.
16. All bills and vouchers should be serially numbered and securely tagged.
17. Store Purchase rules should be followed, and necessary certificates given for all bills as detailed below:
18. All bills should have ‘Paid by me from the advance’ seal signed by the Course Director.
19. For articles purchased: Certified that the articles have been received in good condition, quantity correct and brought into page number .……… of the Stock Register …………
20. For works done: Certified that the work has been done satisfactorily and recorded on Page…….of the Stock Register …………
21. For food items served: Certified that the food served was of good quality, quantity correct and that it was served in full to the participants and resource team.
22. For diesel/petrol bills necessary certificate with page entries of the concerned vehicle log book must be furnished.
23. If a single bill exceeds Rs. 15,000/- copies of the valid rate contract or quotations called for, quotations received, tabulated statements and supply orders must be submitted along with the settlement. The Quotation No. and the date must be recorded on the concerned bill.
24. All bills of less than Rs.15,000/- must have: Certified that stock purchase rules have been observed and the rates claimed are reasonable on local enquiry.
25. Permanent stock items if any must be transferred to the permanent stock registers of the institution before submitting the settlement of advance.
26. Honorarium may be disbursed by the Course Director to the resource persons after obtaining a receipt from them on which the Course Director shall certify as follows: Certified that the resource person has actually engaged ………theory and ……… practical sessions over and above normal duties fulfilling all the criteria laid down for the payment of honoraria. TDS may be deducted as per order no. Extn(1) 86291/13 dt 27.11.20. The deducted TDS may be filed as quarterly returns in the IT department from the station where the training programme is conducted. The details of TDS payment may be intimated to cti@kau.in in the attached format while settling the advance.
27. The time and topic of the session should be mentioned. A schedule of the whole programme should be attached to the settlement bills.
28. Admissible TA and DA as per government guidelines may be paid if provision exists for the same and the prescribed TA bill is included in the settlement bills.
29. Avoid Thermal Bills. If unavoidable, take a photocopy of the same before the print begins to fade.
30. If bills are placed for prepaid telephone recharges, the certificate should specify that the calls were made exclusively for training purposes.
31. Certificate by the Course Director to justify the medical emergency should be there in all Medicine/Medical bills if included.
32. The use of plastic flex boards may be curtailed. Paper posters, cloth or canvas may be used instead. Green protocol prescribed by the government must be followed.
33. Training proposal format and related guidelines can be downloaded from the website of Central Training Institute, Mannuthy: cti.kau.in
Useful Links:
1. www.kerala.gov.in(link:Reports&Manuals) STORESPURCHASE MANUAL as per G.O(P) No: 3/2013/SPD dated 21.06.2013 and modified vide GO(P) No.7/2014/SPD dated 28.08.2014 and www.spd.kerala.gov.in
Additional guidelines for conducting training programmes of KAU
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