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International workshop on “Emerging Trends and New Opportunities in High-Pressure Processing" from 21.02.2022 to 22.02.2022

Wed, 13/04/2022 - 10:59am -- CTI Mannuthy

List of Oral presenters attended the international workshop on “Emerging Trends and New Opportunities in High-Pressure Processing"

Serielno Name
2404 Er. Kajal Karnatak
2405 Er. Saranya S
2406 Dr. Sankalpa K B
2407 Dr. Sarika K
2408 Dr. Lakshmi E J
2409 Er. Anu S Raj
Date of Training: 
Monday, February 21, 2022 to Tuesday, February 22, 2022


English Arabic French German Hindi Italian Russian Spanish


Central Training Institute
Kerala Agricultural University
Mannuthy P.O.
Thrissur Kerala 680651