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KAU Technology Hub

Initiated in 2014, this facilitates technology consolidation, incubation, dissemination, consultancy and hand holding for start-up ventures and entrepreneurs. It serves as a melting pot of science, technology and business where Public Private Partnerships are also being explored. The KAU Technology Hub has effectively represented KAU at the Global Agri Meet and the Young Entrepreneurs Summit. KAU Technology Hub liaisons to offer professional guidance and support for potential investors through a comprehensive set of services that include developing business ideas, identifying viable projects and hand holding consultation during implementation stage. Currently 50 technologies have been shortlisted and ready to be transferred to small and medium entrepreneurs. The process of documenting more of KAU technology is an on-going process at the KAU Technology Hub. CTI has also initiated student Innovation Clubs at all college campuses of KAU in line with the start-up policy promoted by the Kerala State Innovation Council.  


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Central Training Institute
Kerala Agricultural University
Mannuthy P.O.
Thrissur Kerala 680651